Westmark - Egg cutter »Columbus« - 10602260 (x6)
Sold by 6 units
Effortless and rapid cutting
- the original from aluminium
- divides hard boiled eggs into 6 equal segments in one action
In need of beautifully sliced eggs for your sandwiches, snack platters or salads? With the sturdy Columbus egg cutter, you can do this in no time at all. The overlapping, tightly stretched stainless steel wires cut the hard-boiled egg quickly and cleanly into 6 equally sized pieces without breaking the yolk.
Reliable and quality kitchen accessories Made in Germany
We master the subject of "Peel, Cut, Divide". For decades, we've been making kitchen gadgets that deliver long-lasting functionality and are therefore popular in both hobby and professional kitchens. So give it a try.