Our products

The Marseille soap that takes care of your skin
You who wash your hands so often, protect them with a Marseille soap that does not dry the skin.
Rampal Latour patented eco-friendly Marseille process (by INPI).

Authentic and ecological Marseille soap
Since 1828, Rampal Latour has had the know-how to make real Marseille soap. Our olive oil or white Marseille soap is cooked in our cauldrons in Salon de Provence, respecting the traditional and authentic "Marseillais" process.
Anxious to improve the quality of our soap and the ecological footprint of our soap factory, we have developed, after 3 years of research and 2 patent applications, an improved manufacturing technique, allowing us to use 4 times less water and 7 times less energy for its manufacture. In addition, this patented technique has improved the moisturizing and protective properties of our Marseille soap, thanks to the natural glycerin that it now retains during saponification. A Rampal Latour exclusive. And all this in the respect of the Marseilles process. With Rampal Latour, demand the best Marseille soap!.

Our first mark of respect goes to tradition. The consideration we give to the millenary art of the Provençal soap craftsmen links us to our own history.
It opens us up to welcome innovative and different ideas, which gives us the impetus to discover new horizons.
It invites us to an attitude of service in our work, as a team and towards our customers. It reminds us to a humble attention to the perfection of nature, the preferred ingredient of all our soaps. It trains us, finally, to remain faithful to what is simple, good and true.
The Quality
Our definition of quality is in line with its primary meaning: it is a 'way of being'.
It could be summed up by our aspiration to improve people's lives through every soap that leaves our artisanal soap factory. And at the same time it is much more than that.
Our consistent quality is the source and result of the attention we pay to the relationships within our soap factory, with our customers and suppliers. It is our way of achieving what sets us apart. The very meaning of our work as soap craftsmen.

The Relationship
Every relationship is a communication, an exchange. It is also the link that unites and that allows us to relate, to transmit what we consider to be good.
By its very nature, soap provokes interactions.
At the heart of our daily lives, it faithfully conveys an authentic and universal message: the message of trust that is born of genuine attention to others. Together, as a team, with our customers and suppliers, we experience what expresses our sense of relationship: reciprocity. Giving, receiving, welcoming without reservation...
Authenticity is this deep value in which our entire team is committed and expresses its identity.
It is based on regularity, alive in our seniority, in the tradition of our artisanal know-how and in the quality of our soaps.
It imposes itself as an evidence through our Marseille Soap which is representative of a unique heritage and therefore unchangeable. It also testifies to a purity, present in all our natural soaps. This profound value that drives us is to be simple, good and true, every day.

The Tradition
Tradition is a heritage, a teaching, a message delivered. It is also a responsibility received and carried on a daily basis that we like to share.
Having soap as a vector of tradition, our artisanal know-how remains a force that is transmitted 'from hand to hand'.
It is the living witness of a tradition of courage, daring, resilience, innovation, unity and respect. Our motivation, our way of doing things and our lifestyle are authentic: Sharing the heritage, enriching it and always innovating.