Our products

Origin and philosophy
Salus Latin means happiness, well-being and prosperity, so in a broad sense: health
Any progress is linked to the activities of exceptional personalities. This is also the case for the company Salus thanks to the Doctor of Medicine Otto Greither (1867-1930). Motivated by a serious illness that affected him, he began to carry out research on health disorders and arrived at the following basic conclusion: many diseases result from digestive disorders. He then conceived the medical concept of "the cure Salus", whose implementation began in 1916, in a factory in Munich responsible for manufacturing the necessary medications.
In 1927, just eleven years after the founding of Salus, Salus health products are on sale throughout Germany. Salus is rapidly positioning itself at the forefront of a curative movement and commercial philosophy whose goal is the integration of social, ecological and health aspects for their mutual benefit.
Manufacturing and technology
The production of Salus products is spread over two sites. Herbal teas, tonics and tablets are produced at the Salus headquarters in Bruckmüh, Bavaria. The juices of fresh plants are bottled in the sister company Schoenenberger in Magstadt, Baden-Württemberg.
Whatever the production site, be it herbal tea, dietary supplement or medication, the production within the Salus group is always carried out according to the pharmaceutical process. The manufacture and control of products are subject to strict regulations both internally and at the regulatory level, such as the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines: European certification for the manufacture of medicinal products .

Quality and distinctions
Our quality principles :
The following tests are done on all plants :
identity (microscopic examination, thin layer chromatography)
active ingredient content
purity (quality according to the pharmacopoeia)
chemical residues, other contaminants
harmful microorganisms
pesticide and herbicide residues
Heavy metal rate (for Salus: the 10th of the allowed rates)
Plant entry controls are carried out in accordance with Salus guidelines which are significantly higher than those imposed at the regulatory level. All products contain much less harmful substances than the legal values.
Values ​​and commitment nature
Ecology a long-term vision
From the point of origin of the raw materials to their composition and production, Salus products remain "closer to nature" and thus serve to maintain and promote well-being.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the founder of the Salus company, Dr. Greither, invested in organic agriculture that renounced chemistry and artificial fertilizers. For Salus, quality means more than the reliability and safety of products. Quality means investing in the development of a future fit for nature - ecology is the future.
Salus products are entirely manufactured under the sign of a sustainable and ecological economic model: we use only raw materials certified according to the directives of the European Union for the controlled ecological agriculture or the harvest of wild plants.
Salus does not use any pesticides or chemical fertilizers and renounces GMOs and irradiated raw materials. Salus products are preservative-free, color-free and have no artificial flavor.
Organic plant farming is done in Germany, but also around the world, as part of various biological projects that all help protect endangered plants and support small farmers (purchase contracts guarantee income and jobs).